Credence Chiropractic Care: What Is the Torque Release Technique?
When you think of a chiropractic adjustment, does your mind conjure images of bending, twisting, and cracking?
While these methods are commonly used in chiropractic offices around the country, there is another gentler way to correct subluxations. That method is called the Torque Release Technique.
This advanced chiropractic technique is a non-invasive, holistic method that helps patients of all ages improve their wellness without rough movements. At Credence Chiropractic, your Georgetown, Texas, chiropractor, we use TRT to treat a wide range of patients and ailments using TRT.
Let’s dive into what TRT is and how we use it to improve your health.
What Is the Torque Release Technique?
The Torque Release Technique is a non-invasive chiropractic method that uses a handheld tool to gently correct subluxations.
This means chiropractors can address your spinal needs without using body weight, thrusts, and twists. During the session, you will lie face down on a specially designed adjusting table that allows your spine to rest in a neutral and comfortable position.
Your chiropractor will conduct a neurological assessment to help us find the primary points of subluxation within your nervous system. After, we treat those areas using a state-of-the-art instrument called an Integrator, which is gentle and can provide specific adjustment capabilities.
We will make quick, precise thrusts to the spine with the Integrator, which stimulates the nervous system, helps remove subluxation within the nervous system, and realigns the vertebrae.
How Long Does a TRT Session Last?
TRT sessions are not quite as short as a typical chiropractic adjustment. However, they only take around 2 to 3 minutes.

Benefits of TRT
Committing to a treatment series of TRT can have many benefits on your body and mind.
By sticking with a chiropractor like Credence Chiropractic, you can experience benefits of TRT, such as:
Improved nerve function throughout the body
Reduced pain and discomfort in your back, neck, etc
Enhanced range of motion
Relief from stress and anxiety
Improved sleep quality
Enhance neuro development in kids
Non-invasive, holistic approach to managing your body
Improved overall wellbeing
Target Various Issues & Conditions
TRT can also help with various problems and conditions, including:
Who Can Benefit From TRT?
Credence Chiropractic provides whole-family chiropractic care, and that includes using TRT for various conditions and ailments.
Because TRT is a gentle approach, it is suitable for everyone, including infants, children, adults, and seniors. There are no forward thrusts, twisting, or popping of the spine. This way, people of all ages can benefit from this technique.
TRT is also great for adults with mobility issues and may help alleviate some mobility symptoms.
Schedule TRT at Credence Chiropractic in Central Texas

If TRT sounds like the kind of chiropractic care you need, reach out to Credence Chiropractic to schedule an assessment. Our professional team will thoroughly examine your spine for subluxations and create a personalized treatment plan that will help you feel better over time.
Our team also specializes in prenatal, pediatric, and whole-family chiropractic services, which means your entire family can benefit. We are passionate about helping your family achieve their wellness goals through non-invasive care!
Give us a call at 512-887-1477 or schedule an assessment online!